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Zona de Azar Argentina – Argentina: IPLyC Buenos Aires Extended to Boldt Operations until December 31, 2024

Argentina.- May 22, 2024  The Provincial Institute of Lotteries and Casinos (IPLyC) of Buenos Aires has extended the operations of the listed Boldt in that Argentine province until December 31, 2024.

Thus, the IPLyC has issued Resolution No. 537-IPLYCMGGP-2024, by which it was resolved to validate the period that has elapsed since the expiration of the previous extension, which ended on December 31, 2023 until the date of the resolution.

In addition, the resolution extends the contracts signed between the IPLyC and Boldt regarding the Tandil Casino, the Miramar Casino, the Mar del Plata Casino Annex III (Hotel Hermitage), the Mar de Ajó Casino, the Mar del Plata Casino Annex I Plata (Hotel Sasso) and the Sierra de la Ventana Casino.

The extension is until December 31, 2024 or until the time of entry into force of the new contract with the suppliers, if it were prior to said date. Boldt highlighted that the aforementioned extension includes the continuation of the provision of the services currently provided by the company in those casinos.

Edited by @_fonta


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