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Zona de Azar Brasil – Brazil: Secretaria de Prêmios e Apostas : Carolina Yumi de Souza Executive Subsecretariat

Brazil.- June 26, 2024 In today’s edition of the Official Gazette of the Union, Ordinance AGU 270/2024 issued by the Attorney General’s Office was published.

The ordinance confirms the appointment of lawyer Carolina Yumi de Souza to work at the Secretariat of Prizes and Bets, which is part of the Ministry of Hacienda.

Carolina will assume the role of executive undersecretary.

With this appointment, she becomes a direct subordinate of the secretary Régis Dudena, occupying the second most important position in the hierarchy of the Secretariat of Prizes and Awards.


The order confirms the transfer of the Procuraduría General de la República to the new agency. Therefore, it will begin to collaborate with the current secretary Regis Dudena, responsible for implementing the regulation of the sports betting and online gaming market in the national territory.

AGU ORDINANCE No. 270, OF JUNE 24, 2024:

“ THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE UNIÓN, in use of the faculties that entrust him with art. 4 of the Complementary Law N° 73, of February 10, 1993, in attention to the provision in art. 93 of Law No. 8,112, of December 11, 1990, regulated by Decree No. 10,835, of October 14, 2021, by art. 7° of Law N° 11,890, of December 24, 2008, by Ordenanza Normativa AGU N° 136, of May 9, 2024, and considering the contents of Administrative

Process N° 00400.001581/2024-70, resuelve:

Art. 1 Appoint the union lawyer CAROLINA YUMI DE SOUZA, Siape registration no. 1425496, to hold the position of Executive Subsecretariat, key CCE 1.15, in the Secretariat of Prizes and Apuestas, of the Ministerio de Hacienda.

Art. 2 The performance of the task is subject to the possession and exercise of the aforementioned position.

Art. 3 The responsibility for remuneration corresponds to the Federal Public Ministry.

Art. 4 The provisions of this Ordenanza will fall without effect if the Sindicato Abogado does not appear before the transferee body within a period of three days.

Art. 5 The Sindical Abogado must immediately present himself to the head of the Regional Procuraduría of the 3rd Region to finalize his assignment.

Art. 6 This Ordinance comes into force at the close of its publication.

Who is Carolina Yumi de Souza?

Carolina Yumi de Souza completed her higher education in Law at the University of São Paulo, where she also obtained her mastery in the area of ​​Administrative Law.

Her professional career began at the Public Ministry, performing functions in various sectors, with an emphasis on administrative and regulatory authority.

Over the past few years, Carolina has stood out for her leadership capacity and her deep knowledge of regulatory procedures, which led her to be one of the central figures of the team of the Secretariat of Awards and Awards.

Editó : @_fonta


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