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Zona de Azar Israel – Optimove, “Gaming Operators: Maximize Web Push Messaging Reach”

Israel.- 17th October 2023 Whether it’s capturing the attention of non-depositing customers, nurturing relationships with active players, or re-engaging lapsed users, web push campaigns designed for each customer lifecycle stage have a far higher chance of resonating with your audience – fact!

In Part One of this 3-part blog series, we took a look at why that approach is the optimum approach, but let’s do a quick recap:

Personalized communication:

Tailoring campaigns to specific stages allows you to connect with users on a deeper level through messaging that truly resonates with their needs and interests.

Nurturing customer relationships:

By engaging users throughout their journey, you build trust and loyalty that goes beyond just a transactional relationship.

Conversion optimization:

Targeted campaigns motivate customers to take action, driving conversions and boosting revenues.

Data-driven insights:

Tracking campaign performance at each customer lifecycle stage gives you valuable data and insights into customer behavior, helping you understand what works and what doesn’t, and allowing you to refine your strategies.

Now let’s take a look at using web push notifications throughout the various customer lifecycle stages that players will traverse ….


First things first – create your opt-in strategy. This part’s non-negotiable – customers must opt-in to receive web push notifications. Put your audience in the driver’s seat and allow them to set the terms on which they’ll engage with you, and tell visitors why you’d like them to enable notifications before you ask them to do so.

The more explicit you are, the better your opt-in rate will be; messages that give users a reason to click ‘Allow’ – aka, a strong ‘value exchange’ – should be the goal.

Here’s what your opt-in message could look like (avoiding these generic push notifications that, we promise, no one ever clicks on!)

OK, now that you’ve got your opt-in push strategy in place, let’s look at the next player lifecycle stage that will benefit from a carefully crafted web push campaign – those pesky non-depositors.


In this example, the target group has received their Welcome offer, and details about the platform and payments. After two days, they’ve still not made a deposit; time to send a ‘reminder’ campaign.

Remember, the deal with building web push campaigns around lifecycle stages is to reach players with the messaging that will compel them to act.

Here are a few more examples of web push messaging that you can use throughout the Non-Depositor lifecycle stage:

Ensure you include (where appropriate!) specific bonus amounts, percentages, and any unique features your platform offers to entice new players. Remember; the goal is to create concise and compelling messages that highlight the benefits of making a deposit and encourage potential players to take action. Next up …

New Customers – Cross-Selling

Cross-selling to players in the ‘New Customer’ lifecycle stage is all about offering additional products or services that keep them close, so it’s a good time to introduce players to related offerings that enhance their experience or meet their additional needs.

Here, we’ll look at an example of web push messaging for cross-selling to new players that have only played with a limited number of products during their first week.

Here are a few more ways you can spin your messaging for this lifecycle stage:

Remember that implementing web push messaging requires careful planning and execution to maximize its impact, so consider the following to keep you on track:

Segmentation and Personalization:

Segment your player base based on various criteria such as playing preferences, activity level, or VIP status. Tailor your web push messages accordingly to provide personalized and relevant content to each segment.

Timing and Frequency:

Be mindful of the timing and frequency of your web push notifications. Use a balanced approach, sending notifications at strategic times such as when new promotions launch or when players have been inactive for a certain period.

Craft engaging and concise messages:

Use clear, persuasive language, highlight exclusive offers, and create a sense of urgency to encourage immediate action.

Always include clear calls-to-action and relevant links to direct players to the desired content.

A/B Testing:

Experiment with different message formats, content variations, or delivery times to determine which approaches yield the highest engagement and conversion rates.

Analytics and Tracking:

Utilize analytics tools to track the performance of your web push campaigns. Monitor metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to assess the effectiveness of your web push campaigns and use this data to refine your strategy and improve future campaigns.

By implementing these best practices, you’ll be well on your way to leveraging web push messaging to engage players, drive conversions, and enhance the overall user experience.

In Part Three, we’ll round off this series by looking at Active and Churned customer lifecycle stages, so watch this space. In the meantime, if you’d like to learn how Optimove can help Operators capitalize on web push campaigns, let’s talk!

Edited by: @MaiaDigital


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