Zona de Azar Canada – GameOn Announces Late Filing of Annual Financial Statements and MD&A
Canada.- April 17th 2023 www.zonadeazar.com GameOn Entertainment Technologies Inc. announces that as a result of delays to its audit, the Company’s annual financial statements and accompanying management’s discussion and analysis for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022 (the “Annual Filings“), are not expected to be finalized by May 1, 2023, being the date that such filings are due under applicable Canadian securities law requirements. The Company has applied for a management cease trade order (the “MCTO“) by the British Columbia Securities Commission.
Reasons for the anticipated delay include additional efforts being made with respect to the reporting of the Company’s web3 related revenue and blockchain grants, as well as an upcoming change in the auditors of the Company, which is currently in progress. The Company is working diligently with its current and incoming auditors to complete the audit in a timely manner. Upon completion of the change of auditor, the Company will file the applicable materials in compliance with section 4.11 of National Instrument 51-102 – Continuous Disclosure Obligations.
The Company currently expects to file the Annual Filings on or before May 30, 2023 and will issue a news release announcing completion of such filings at such time. Until the Company files the Annual Filings, it will comply with the alternative information guidelines set out in National Policy 12-203 – Management Cease Trade Orders for issuers who have failed to comply with a specified continuous disclosure requirement within the times prescribed by applicable securities laws. The guidelines, among other things, require the Company to issue bi-weekly default status reports by way of a news release so long as the Annual Filings have not been filed.
During the MCTO, the general investing public will continue to be able to trade in the Company’s listed common shares. However, the Company’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer will not be able to trade in the Company’s common shares.
Edited by: @MaiaDigital www.zonadeazar.com