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Zona de Azar USA – Gamer Day: 7 Ways Video Games Transform Our Lives

USA.- August 30th 2024  From cognitive skill development to fostering learning and enhancing emotional well-being, video games have the potential to enrich our lives in significant ways.

On August 29th, Gamer Day was not only a celebration of gamers and video game enthusiasts but also an excellent opportunity to recognize the growing impact and importance of video games in our society.

This industry, which generates more revenue than movies and music combined, has evolved from being a marginal form of entertainment to becoming an integral part of global culture.

Although often seen merely as entertainment, video games offer a variety of benefits beyond fun.

According to the global study Power of Play, published by the Entertainment Software Association of America, video games provide hours of distraction along with a range of social and emotional benefits: they help reduce stress, enhance creativity, and even connect people with each other.

The report shows that players worldwide agree that while the main reason for gaming is enjoyment, video games also help them overcome tough times, handle daily challenges in a healthy way, and feel happier.

A recent study, Universo Gaming 2024 by Comscore, based on 20 expert interviews, confirms that the gaming world offers numerous benefits for players, brands, and companies entering this sector.

People who turn to video games for entertainment gain multiple benefits, creating an opportunity for brands to engage with players in meaningful ways,” the study details.

Benefits of Playing Video Games:

– Fosters social participation and a sense of belonging.
– Improves attention and coordination.
– Develops intuition and creativity.
– Boosts mood and provides emotional support.
– Enhances mental skills, strategic thinking, and use of technology.
– Facilitates intergenerational and family relationships.
– Offers professional development opportunities.

Pedro Etcheberry Le Fort, a clinical psychologist consulted by TN Tecno, explains that games offer quick rewards with minimal effort, altering brain chemistry through small, sustained rewards. “Completing levels and defeating virtual enemies is associated with rewards that uplift mood, similar to eating chocolate. Gaming impacts the central nervous system and reward systems, influencing motivation, mobility, and overall well-being.”

In addition to individual benefits, the study highlights that the gaming universe presents significant business opportunities:

Engaging with Players: Provides a dynamic and evolving channel for advertising and monetization, allowing companies to reach diverse audiences in innovative ways.
– Access to Diverse Audiences: Gaming attracts a wide range of demographic profiles, giving brands the chance to target specific groups and explore previously inaccessible markets.
Relevance and Adaptation: The constantly evolving gaming universe offers brands the opportunity to stay current with new technologies, test innovative ideas, and connect with their audience in a forward-thinking manner.

As the industry evolves, it is crucial to value and promote these benefits to ensure that gaming continues to be a positive force in society.

Edited by: @MaiaDigital


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